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Blue Gas Unleashed: Separating Hype from Sustainable Reality

Unveiling the Mystery of Blue Gas: What Is It? Updated Oct 2023 Blue gas, also known as blue hydrogen, has gained significant attention over the past 24…

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This article was originally published by Tactical Investor

Blue gas; what is it and does it work

Unveiling the Mystery of Blue Gas: What Is It?

Updated Oct 2023

Blue gas, also known as blue hydrogen, has gained significant attention over the past 24 months. It’s produced from natural gas through steam methane reforming (SMR), where the carbon emissions are captured and stored or utilized, making it a low-carbon energy source.

Regarding prospects, blue hydrogen is seen as a crucial stepping stone towards a green hydrogen economy. It’s currently more economical to produce than green hydrogen, made using renewable energy and electrolysis. This makes blue hydrogen a viable option for countries and industries looking to reduce carbon emissions in the short to medium term.

Several countries have included blue hydrogen in their energy transition strategies. For instance, the UK government has committed to a “twin track” approach, supporting blue and green hydrogen. Similarly, Canada invests in blue hydrogen with its abundant natural gas reserves and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.

In the corporate world, major energy companies like BP, Shell, and Equinor are investing in blue hydrogen projects. For example, BP plans to build a blue hydrogen production facility in the UK, which could start operation by 2027.

However, there are challenges to blue hydrogen becoming mainstream. The process of producing blue hydrogen is energy-intensive, and the effectiveness of carbon capture and storage is not 100%. There are also concerns about methane leakage during natural gas extraction, which could offset the carbon benefits of blue hydrogen.

Moreover, the falling costs of renewable energy and electrolyzers make green hydrogen increasingly competitive. Some critics argue that investments in blue hydrogen could divert resources away from green hydrogen, ultimately the more sustainable solution.

Blue Gas: The Tesla Challenger?

It appears that the success of Tesla while silencing a lot of naysayers, has given some marketers ideas to conjure up investments that could deliver Tesla-like yields.  Tesla is so successful that every car manufacturer has jumped onto the EV bandwagon. So now, a new fuel called blue gas is being marketed as the battery killer.  The technology is being sold as nothing but hydrogen, albeit blue hydrogen, and the sales point is that it does not emit any harmful emissions.

While blue gas has been marketed as a clean alternative to traditional fossil fuels, its environmental benefits are debatable. The production of blue hydrogen relies on natural gas as its primary feedstock. To make it “blue,” the carbon emissions generated during the steam methane reforming process must be captured and stored underground. However, studies show that carbon capture rates are often well below 100%, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions.

Additionally, extracting and transporting natural gas produces methane leakage – a potent greenhouse gas. Some experts estimate blue hydrogen emits 20% more carbon emissions than using natural gas directly. So, while proponents argue blue gas burns cleaner than coal or oil, its overall climate impacts may not be significantly better than existing fossil fuels.

More research is needed to improve the efficiency and reduce emissions of blue hydrogen production. And other hydrogen sources, like green hydrogen made via electrolysis powered by renewables, may hold more promise as a sustainable fuel. But so far, blue gas is not the definitive “battery killer” some marketers claim it to be. Significant technical and economic obstacles remain before it can viably compete with electric vehicles and their rapidly improving battery technologies.


Crafting the Brilliant Blue Gas: The Fascinating Process Unveiled!

Blue hydrogen is made via steam methane reforming (SMR), which uses natural gas as the main feedstock. The natural gas is mixed with steam and heated to very high temperatures, causing it to split into hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The next step is the water-gas shift reaction, which converts the carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and more hydrogen.

To make it “blue,” the carbon dioxide emissions from these reactions must be captured, usually via carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. The CO2 is pressurized into a liquid form and injected deep underground for permanent storage. This emissions sequestration gives blue hydrogen its “low carbon” status compared to grey hydrogen made via SMR without CCS.

However, CCS only captures about 85-95% of the CO2, so some emissions still escape into the atmosphere. And methane leaks during natural gas extraction and transport further reduce its climate benefits versus other clean hydrogen production methods. While marketed as “carbon-neutral,” studies show blue hydrogen has a larger carbon footprint than initially claimed.

According to, this is how blue hydrogen is manufactured.

Blue hydrogen is made from our natural gas through steam methane reforming (SMR). While CO emissions are generated during SMR, we are committed to managing these through market offset or technical abatement to offer a carbon-neutral product. Green hydrogen is produced from water using renewable power.

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Elon Musk’s Take on Blue Gas: Is It Worth Considering?

Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla, has never been one to mince words when it comes to his opinions on alternative energy sources. When it comes to blue gas, he has expressed his scepticism in no uncertain terms, referring to the concept as “mind-boggling” and “stupid.” In his characteristic style, he has even suggested that instead of being called “fuel cells,” they should be labelled as “fool cells.”

Musk’s viewpoint on blue gas reflects his deep commitment to electric vehicles and the widespread adoption of battery-powered cars. He believes that electric vehicles, with their rapidly advancing battery technology, are the future of sustainable transportation. Musk’s scepticism towards blue gas likely stems from his belief that it may divert attention and resources away from the development and improvement of electric vehicles.

However, it’s important to consider that there are differing opinions on the potential of blue gas as an alternative fuel source. Arval, a French bank BNP Paribas Group subsidiary, provides a contrasting perspective. They highlight several advantages of blue gas:

One significant advantage is the speed of refueling, which is comparable to filling up a gasoline vehicle, taking only 3 to 5 minutes. This addresses one of the key drawbacks of electric vehicles, which typically require longer charging times.

Another benefit is the absence of harmful emissions. Blue gas vehicles produce only water as a byproduct, making them environmentally friendly and reducing air pollution.

Furthermore, blue gas offers an impressive range of around 300 miles on a single tank, placing it on par with conventional gasoline vehicles. This extended range alleviates one of the common concerns associated with electric cars: range anxiety.

In terms of efficiency, fuel cell powertrains are highly efficient at extracting energy from hydrogen, surpassing the efficiency levels of traditional gasoline or diesel vehicles.

Given these differing viewpoints, the question arises: Is blue gas a viable and worthwhile alternative to conventional fuels and electric vehicles? While Musk’s criticism is well-known, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons objectively and consider the potential role of blue gas in the broader landscape of sustainable transportation. Ultimately, the future of blue gas will depend on ongoing technological advancements, environmental considerations, and the preferences of consumers and policymakers.


Challenges and Considerations in the Blue Gas Revolution

As we delve deeper into the realm of blue gas as a potential alternative to conventional fuels, it becomes crucial to examine its merits and the challenges and considerations surrounding this innovative concept.

One of the primary challenges of adopting blue gas technology is the sparse availability of refuelling locations. Unlike gasoline or diesel, which have a well-established network of refuelling stations, hydrogen refuelling infrastructure is still in its nascent stages of development. This limitation can pose a significant obstacle for those considering hydrogen-powered vehicles, as access to refuelling stations may be limited in many regions.

Another factor to contemplate is the cost of developing and implementing blue gas technology. While the cost of fueling a hydrogen car may be comparable to traditional fuels, the expenses involved in developing the infrastructure for hydrogen production, storage, and transportation are substantial. Storing and moving hydrogen safely can be challenging and costly due to its low density and unique properties, necessitating specialized equipment and facilities. These economic considerations can impact the affordability and accessibility of blue gas technology.

Furthermore, the environmental benefits of blue gas heavily depend on the source of the electricity used to produce hydrogen. To truly realize a reduction in carbon emissions, the electricity powering the hydrogen production process must come from renewable sources. Without a shift towards renewable energy generation, hydrogen production may still involve carbon emissions, negating the environmental advantages often associated with fuel cell vehicles.

While blue gas presents a promising avenue for sustainable transportation, it is essential to acknowledge the obstacles and prerequisites it entails. Addressing challenges such as the expansion of refuelling infrastructure, managing costs, and ensuring the use of renewable energy sources will be pivotal in determining the viability and success of blue gas as a revolutionary alternative to traditional fuels. As we navigate this evolving landscape, we must weigh these factors alongside the potential benefits in our quest for a greener, more sustainable future.

The Unfeasibility of Blue Gas for Sustainable Fuel

The falling cost of producing hydrogen from renewable power offers a promising route to cutting emissions. However, scaling up this technology requires significant investment. According to research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), governments may need to provide $150 billion in subsidies over the next decade to support the development and deployment of renewable hydrogen technologies.

Unfortunately, the global economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic has led to financial constraints for many governments. As a result, allocating such substantial subsidies for renewable hydrogen projects may face challenges. Governments currently prioritise economic recovery and addressing immediate needs, which may limit their ability to allocate funds to long-term sustainability initiatives.

Nevertheless, the importance of transitioning to sustainable fuels remains a global priority. As economies recover and governments reassess their priorities, there may be opportunities for increased investment in renewable hydrogen technologies. Continued research, innovation, and collaboration between public and private sectors will be crucial in driving the feasibility and adoption of sustainable fuel solutions like blue gas.


Electrifying the Road: How Electric Trucks Are Revolutionizing the Industry.

Electric trucks are gaining momentum as a potential game-changer in the transportation industry. Research conducted by Hoekstra suggests that electric trucks with a 400-kilometre range outperform diesel and hydrogen trucks with minimal downsides. Hoekstra also acknowledges that while catenary systems (overhead power lines) are promising, they require international institutional cooperation, which may pose challenges.

Based on Hoekstra’s research and considering the energy requirements of modern trucks, it is estimated that a 1-megawatt-hour (MWh) battery could provide sufficient power for most trucks to operate throughout the day and be recharged overnight in the garage. Redesigning trucks with electric motors close to the wheels can help save weight, with a 1 MWh battery weighing around 6 tonnes, resulting in a weight reduction of approximately 3 tonnes.

These findings raise important questions about the feasibility and practicality of electric trucks, particularly regarding battery weight and charging infrastructure. However, advancements in battery technology and ongoing efforts to expand charging infrastructure are addressing these challenges.

While there may be limitations and considerations to overcome, the rise of electric trucks holds significant potential to transform the industry by reducing emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. Continued research, innovation, and collaboration between stakeholders will be crucial in realizing the full benefits of electric trucks.

Engaging in the Blue Gas Controversy: Distinguishing Truth from Myths

The hype surrounding blue gas has generated a lot of attention and claims, but it’s essential to separate fact from fiction. While some proponents of blue gas have made bold statements about its potential to challenge Tesla, it’s essential to examine the actual market dynamics and investor sentiment.

Looking at Tesla’s stock price, it’s evident that the emergence of blue gas has not deterred investors. On the contrary, Tesla’s stock performance has been remarkable over the past several years, including the post-coronavirus period. This suggests that investors continue to have confidence in Tesla’s outlook and the future of electric vehicles.

It’s crucial to approach such claims critically and consider the broader context. While blue gas may have its merits, it is still in the early stages of development and faces significant emissions, production efficiency, and overall sustainability challenges. The success of Tesla and the growing adoption of electric vehicles indicate that the market is moving towards cleaner and more sustainable transportation options.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of blue gas and its potential impact, it’s advisable to consult reliable sources, industry reports, and ongoing research. This will help separate the hype from the reality and provide a more informed perspective on the future of sustainable fuels and the automotive industry.

EVs vs. Hydrogen: The Thrilling Race for Clean Transportation’s Future

EVs have gained widespread adoption and are currently leading the clean transportation revolution. The decreasing cost of EVs can be attributed to advancements in battery technology, making them more efficient and cheaper to produce. For example, Tesla is actively developing a million-mile battery and aims to reduce the price to $100 per kilowatt-hour, which would significantly enhance the affordability and accessibility of electric vehicles.

In addition to Tesla’s efforts, other players in the battery industry, such as CATL, are also making significant advancements. CATL claims to have developed a battery that can last up to 16 years and cover a distance of 2 million kilometres, showcasing the potential for long-lasting and durable battery solutions.

While hydrogen fuel cell-based vehicles have their own merits, such as faster refuelling times and longer driving ranges, they have faced challenges in infrastructure development and cost-effectiveness. The infrastructure required for hydrogen refuelling stations is still limited compared to the widespread availability of electric charging stations.

However, it’s important to note that the future of clean transportation may not be an either-or scenario. EVs and hydrogen fuel cell-based vehicles have their place in transitioning to sustainable transport. Continued research and development in both technologies will be crucial in determining their respective roles and contributions to a greener future. electrek

Tesla at a Pivotal Crossroads: Navigating the Road Ahead

Tesla has indeed achieved profitability after experiencing significant losses in previous years. In the fourth quarter of 2019, Tesla reported a net income of $105 million, which, although lower than the last quarter, instilled renewed confidence in investors. This positive news led to a 12% increase in Tesla’s shares during after-hours trading.

The company’s ability to turn a profit and stay ahead of schedule on its latest model has generated optimism for Tesla’s future. However, it’s important to note that the automotive industry is highly competitive and subject to various market forces. Tesla’s success will depend on its ability to maintain profitability, continue innovating, and adapt to changing market dynamics.

The post-coronavirus era presents challenges regarding blue gas players as government subsidies may be limited. The economic impact of the pandemic has led governments to prioritize economic recovery and address immediate needs, potentially affecting the availability of subsidies for alternative fuel technologies.

It’s crucial to stay updated with the latest news and developments in the industry to gain a comprehensive understanding of Tesla’s position and the broader market landscape. Reliable sources and financial reports can provide valuable insights into Tesla’s performance and the factors influencing its future prospects.

Blue Gas: A Minuscule Carbon Footprint Compared to EVs

While blue gas fuel cells have garnered attention but tend to be more expensive than the batteries used in electric vehicles (EVs), additionally, the lack of a widespread refuelling network for blue gas poses a challenge, whereas the presence of charging stations for EVs is steadily increasing.

The global EV charging stations market is expected to grow significantly due to the rising number of electric vehicles worldwide. This growth will impact various aspects of charging stations, including load profiles, generation capacity, and transformer loading levels.

According to a recent report titled “Global Electric Vehicle Charging Station Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Charger Type (Fast, Slow/Moderate), By Application (Commercial, Residential), and Regional Forecasts, 2019-2026,” published by Fortune Business Insights™, the market is projected to reach USD 264.80 billion by 2026, with a notable CAGR of 31.1% during the forecast period. In 2018, the market was valued at USD 27.21 billion.

These insights highlight the growing importance and investment in EV charging infrastructure, further strengthening EVs’ position in the market. While blue gas may have advantages, such as potentially lower emissions, the current momentum and market dynamics heavily favour electric vehicle growth and adoption.

The Electric Vehicle Revolution: Supercharging Stations on the Rise!

The electric vehicle revolution has indeed seen the rise of supercharging stations, particularly in Tesla’s network. With 1,971 Supercharger Stations and 17,467 Superchargers, Tesla has been expanding its charging infrastructure to provide convenient and fast charging options for its electric vehicles. Charging a car in just 30 minutes at these stations has been a significant advantage for Tesla owners.

When comparing charging costs, it’s important to note that the estimate provided by Tesla assumes a Supercharger cost of $0.26 per kilowatt-hour. Gasoline costs, on the other hand, are based on assumptions such as MPG and fuel prices. However, it’s essential to consider that charging costs may vary depending on the vehicle’s location, configuration, battery age and condition, driving style, and environmental conditions.

While blue gas has generated hype, it is clear that the industry would need to address significant challenges in terms of supply and cost of production to compete with the established charging infrastructure and decrease the costs of electric vehicles. Until substantial investments are made, and production costs are lowered, the viability of blue gas as a widespread alternative remains uncertain.

It’s essential to stay updated with the latest developments in the industry as technology and market dynamics continue to evolve. As the demand for sustainable transportation grows, advancements in electric vehicles and alternative fuel technologies may shape the future of clean transportation.


An Unbiased Look at Blue Gas: Separating Hype from Facts

While blue gas, or hydrogen gas, is being promoted as a cleaner alternative to traditional fuels, it’s essential to consider the whole picture before making any definitive claims. While it is true that blue gas does not emit harmful emissions during use, producing it through steam methane reforming releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. This raises concerns about the overall environmental impact and the need to reduce carbon emissions.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that blue gas technology is not entirely new and has been around for decades. Despite gaining attention as an alternative fuel, challenges still need to be addressed. One significant hurdle is the cost of production, which remains higher compared to conventional fuels like gasoline.

Regarding the claim that blue gas is the “battery killer,” it’s essential to approach this statement cautiously. While hydrogen fuel cells have the potential to power electric vehicles, they come with their own set of challenges. Fuel cells require significant space and infrastructure, which could pose difficulties in scaling up production and widespread adoption.

While blue gas shows promise as an alternative fuel source, it is crucial to consider its limitations and challenges. Whether it will truly become the “battery killer” remains uncertain. It is advisable to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of this technology before making any investment decisions.


Concluding thoughts on Blue Gas

In wrapping up our exploration of Blue Gas, it’s clear that this innovative fuel source, while promising, faces formidable challenges on its path to becoming the primary choice for clean transportation.

First and foremost, Blue Gas, while emitting less carbon dioxide than traditional gasoline, cannot compete with the absolute zero-emission performance of electric vehicles (EVs). The continuously greening energy grid powering EVs further underscores their environmental advantage.

Secondly, the sheer difference in infrastructure between EVs and Blue Gas is staggering. Electric vehicle charging stations have proliferated globally, providing convenience and accessibility to drivers. In contrast, Blue Gas fueling stations remain a rarity, creating a substantial hurdle for widespread adoption.

Lastly, the cost factor cannot be ignored. Establishing Blue Gas fueling stations comes at a hefty price tag compared to the relatively cost-effective expansion of EV charging infrastructure.

In conclusion, while Blue Gas holds potential as a cleaner alternative to traditional fuels, it faces an uphill battle in outpacing the electric vehicle revolution. The road ahead for Blue Gas is uncertain, contingent upon advancements in technology, robust policy support, and the ever-changing dynamics of the market. As we move forward, it’s an exciting journey to watch how these forces shape the future of clean transportation.


Random Reflections on the Stock Market

Since abandoning the gold standard, the lack of backing for our money has allowed corruption and unethical practices. With the increase in money supply, moral values have declined, leading to a disregard for human life. Money has become the sole focus, and the Federal Reserve deliberately creates boom and bust cycles by manipulating interest rates.

They are indifferent to the consequences of inflation or deflation and even initiate actions that contribute to these issues. Understanding this truth opens the possibility of delving deeper into the matter. However, true change will only occur when the masses rise and revolt. Mass psychology shows that people only awaken when they are on the brink of disaster, at which point they can do nothing but protest.

Taking a step back and adopting a more comprehensive perspective reveals influential individuals’ intricate web of influence. They manipulate crucial sectors like the media, healthcare, and the military-industrial complex to shape a distorted reality that serves their interests. This control extends even further, permeating the fabric of society and influencing the narratives that shape our collective understanding.

Approximately 75% of individuals face significant challenges from the moment they are born. Factors beyond their control limit their opportunities and keep them at a disadvantage, perpetuating a cycle of hardship and inequality.

Initially published on July 5, 2020, with subsequent updates in 2021 and 2022, culminating in the latest revision in Oct 2023.

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  1. Bloomberg New Energy Finance, “Electric Vehicle Outlook 2020,” May 2020,
  2. International Council on Clean Transportation, “Well-to-Wheels Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Petroleum Use for Mid-Size Light-Duty Vehicles,” June 2018,
  3. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “Electric Vehicle Battery Cost Update: Q1 2021,” May 2021,
  4. Energy Innovation, “Electric Vehicle Trends to Watch in 2021,” January 2021,
  5. International Energy Agency, “Global EV Outlook 2021,” May 2021,

The post Blue Gas Unleashed: Separating Hype from Sustainable Reality appeared first on Tactical Investor.

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